So far we have played Lawn Darts, Basketball/Horse, Horseshoes, Miniature Golf, and Croquet all set in a tropical setting. The graphics are good and the control functions aren't too complicated. I have had some successes in Horse like making a Trick Shot from behind the basket! I have also had some notable losses in Lawn Darts and Horseshoes to my brothers Glenn and Scott. My sister Renee and I teamed up in Horseshoes to play Scott and Renee's finance Larry, I was less than stellar leaving Renee to carry our team. But her work was in vain and we lost to the guys.
The most contested game was the Croquet game between Scott, Glenn and myself. We were doing fairly well, we thought we all had good control of our mallet swings--then things got crazy! Suddenly we all had trouble hitting the croquet balls; too hard, not hard enough, bouncing off the wickets. We started hitting a competitor's croquet ball to gain extra strokes to advance in the game. The game has a Taunt function where you can harass competitors with annoying sound effects, which we did, but Taunts really didn't compare to our own verbal insults and rants at the game when play didn't go our way. I thoroughly enjoyed croquet, especially since I came from behind and won the game!
I look forward to some re-match games as well as playing the other sports. Badminton anyone?
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