Saturday, March 14, 2009

Crazy things that get stuck in my head

I find it weird how certain things make an impression on my brain and other things don't...or maybe it's just selective memory...or bad memory.

For instance, I remember the words to a Pabst Blue Ribbon beer commercial that was on TV when I was younger: "It was a rough exam, really had to cram, now it's all behind, I've got Pabst Blue Ribbon on my mind." But I don't remember a thing about high school Algebra (didn't like that class at all).

My father can recall the different wage amount he has earned at almost every job he had, he can remember how much he paid for cars, and houses, etc....not me! But I can remember a lovely pink sweater I had as little girl, my first Ken doll (my sister Lisa got Barbie), and making cakes in my olive green Easy Bake Oven.

During Saturday morning cartoons, I learned all kinds of stuff from Schoolhouse Rock..."Conjunction Junction what's your function?"..."I'm just a Bill, yes I'm only a Bill, and I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill". Thanks to Schoolhouse Rock I can still quote/sing the entire Preamble to the U.S. Constitution!

I've watched Jeopardy and Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader and I'm sorry to say that my brain doesn't contain many (okay most) of those tidbits of information. Instead my brain is full of silly memories of watching kitschy 1970's shows like Gilligan's Island and Brady Bunch. "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!"

I do remember important pieces of information like how to tie my shoes, how to ride a bike, I know my address and phone number, and I can even walk and chew gum at the same time. Oh well, I guess the miscellaneous stuff the floats to the surface faster than the other mundane facts I have acquired. "Live Long and Prosper!"


LisaR said...

I especially liked Inter Planet Janet and Renee and I in fact started to call our friend Janet IPJ for short. We loved it, I don't know if she did though. :)

Sue said...

My Schoolhouse Rock fav is Lolly, Lolly, Lolly Get Your Adverbs Here! It has a great, fast-paced song and as always you learn without even knowing it.

LisaR said...

Do you remember Interjections?! Interjections (Hey!) show excitement (Yow!) or emotion (Ouch!). Hey! That smarts! Ouch! That hurts!
Yow! That's not fair givin' a guy a shot down there! Hehehehe.

COOKIE_LADY1170 said...

I like the one about "yes i'm only a bill" and "conjunction junction what's your function".