Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sign of Spring

Amid last year's garden debris of leaves, branches, and wood chips emerges a cluster of bright green and with it, the promise of the warm, sunny days of Spring.

This plucky little plant is a variety of Sedum. It is a hardy plant and is up and thriving long before any Tulips, Crocus, or Hyacinths have poked their way into the weak Winter sunlight.

I can't wait to get to work in the garden! I've already been thinking about the flower beds and which flowers should go in the patio pots. I've been wondering how the two new Japanese Maples have survived the winter, and what about the transplanted Weigelia shrub? It's almost the middle of March and I haven't planted my tomato seeds yet! But there is much work to be done to prepare the garden, cutting down the ornamental grasses, trimming the Viburnum shrubs and the Burning Bushes and the Butterfly bush, cleaning up leaves that have collected along the fence, and the list continues. Ah, so much work but so much fun to help Mother Nature put on a beautiful show.

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